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Reading list: Culture, consumer behaviour, global- local brands, multicultural marketplaces

Key themes: Culture, cross-cultural differences, Multicultural markets, multicultural individuals, multicultural cities, global – local identity, globalization, cultural distance, cultural similarity, cultural values, cultural norms, cultural identity, ethnic marketing, ethnicity, cultural congruity


Basáñez, Miguel E., and Ronald F. Inglehart, A World of Three Cultures: Honor, Achievement and Joy (New York, 2016; online edn, Oxford Academic, 21 Jan. 2016), https://doi.org/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780190270360.001.0001

Culture, Leadership, and Organizations: The GLOBE Study of 62 Societies. (2004). Edited by: Robert J. House, Paul J. Hanges, Mansour Javidan, Peter W. Dorfman, Vipin Gupta. Thousands Oaks, CA. Sage.

Nanda, S. & Warms, R.L. (2022). Culture Counts: A Concise Introduction to Cultural Anthropology. Sage.

Kirkman, B. L., Lowe, K. B., & Gibson, C. B. (2017). A retrospective on Culture’s Consequences: The 35-year journeyJournal of International Business Studies48, 12-29.

Hofstede, Geert. Culture’s consequences: International differences in work-related values. Vol. 5. Sage, 1984.

Hall, E. T. (1976). Beyond culture. Anchor.

Hall, E. T. (1973). The silent language. Anchor.

Ward, C., & Chang, W. C. (1997). “Cultural fit”: A new perspective on personality and sojourner adjustment. International journal of intercultural relations21(4), 525-533.

Aguirre-Rodriguez, A., Bóveda-Lambie, A. M., & Montoya, D. Y. (2014). Exploring ethnic consumer response to crossover brand extensions. Journal of Business Research67(4), 457-463.

Cultural orientation

Gaur, S. S., Bathula, H., & Diaz, C. V. (2015). Conceptualising the influence of the cultural orientation of Latin Americans on consumers’ choice of US brands. European Business Review, 27(5), 477-494.

Messner, Wolfgang, (2022). Cultural Heterozygosity: Towards a New Measure of Within-Country Cultural Diversity. Journal of World Business,  57(4).

Global – local brands/products/labels

Schmidt-Devlin, E., Özsomer, A., & Newmeyer, C. E. (2022). How to go glocal: Omni-brand orientation framework. Journal of International Marketing30(4), 1-20.

Mandler, T., Bartsch, F., & Han, C. M. (2021). Brand credibility and marketplace globalization: The role of perceived brand globalness and localnessJournal of International Business Studies52, 1559-1590.

Zhang, T., Chen, J., & Grunert, K. G. (2022). Impact of consumer global–local identity on attitude towards and intention to buy local foods. Food quality and preference96, 104428.

Davvetas, V., Sichtmann, C., Saridakis, C., & Diamantopoulos, A. (2022). The Global/Local Product Attribute: Decomposition, Trivialization, and Price Trade-Offs in Emerging and Developed Markets. Journal of International Marketing, 1069031X221143095.

Zhang, T., Chen, J., & Grunert, K. G. (2022). Impact of consumer global–local identity on attitude towards and intention to buy local foods. Food quality and preference96, 104428.

Al-Issa, N., & Dens, N. (2023). How do religiosity and acculturation to the global consumer culture drive the perceived value of luxury? A study in Kuwait. Journal of Islamic Marketing14(2), 562-585.

Guo, X. (2013). Living in a global world: Influence of consumer global orientation on attitudes toward global brands from developed versus emerging countries. Journal of International Marketing, 21(1), 1-22.

Buy national campaigns

Insch, A., Mather, D., & Knight, J. (2017). Buy-national campaigns: Congruence determines premiums for domestic productsInternational Marketing Review34(2), 239-253.

Constantine, S. (1987). The Buy British Campaign of 1931European Journal of Marketing. 21(4), 44-59. 

Saffu, K., Walker, J. H., & Mazurek, M. (2010). The role of consumer ethnocentrism in a buy national campaign in a transitioning country: Some evidence from Slovakia. International Journal of Emerging Markets5(2), 203-226.

Kühschelm, O. (2020). Buy national campaigns: Patriotic shopping and the capitalist nation state. Journal of Modern European History18(1), 79-95.

Amarullah, D., & Handriana, T. (2022). Utilization of Theory of Planned Behavior to Predict Consumer Behavioral Intention toward “Buy-Local” Campaign: Do National Identity Expressions Matter? Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 1-16.

Shavneet, S., Singh, G., Ferraris, A. & Sharma, R. (2022) Exploring consumers’ domestic gastronomy behaviour: a cross-national study of Italy and Fiji. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 34(9). 3353-3375.

Clayton, D., & Higgins, D. (2017). The ineffectiveness of ‘Buy British’campaigns. LSE Business Review.

Granzin, K. L., & Olsen, J. E. (1995). Support for buy American campaigns: An empirical investigation based on a prosocial framework. Journal of International Consumer Marketing8(1), 43-70.

Shoham, H. (2019). Zionist “Buy National” Campaigns in Interwar Palestine. Boycotts Past and Present: From the American Revolution to the Campaign to Boycott Israel, 73-95.

Pekkanen, T. L., & Penttilä, V. (2021). The responsibility of an ethnocentric consumer–nationalistic, patriotic or environmentally conscientious? A critical discourse analysis of “buy domestic” campaigns. International Marketing Review38(2), 300-320.

Mtigwe, B., & Chikweche, T. (2008). Developing country perspectives on country-of-origin effects: The case of the Proudly South African campaign. Journal of African Business9(1), 77-92.

Elikbaev, K. N., & Podbiralina, G. V. (2022). Buy national campaigns promoting the EU and EAEU countries. International Trade and Trade Policy.

Frank, D. (2000). Buy American: The untold story of economic nationalism. Beacon Press.


Motsi, T., & Park, J. E. (2020). National stereotypes as antecedents of country-of-origin image: The role of the stereotype content model. Journal of International Consumer Marketing32(2), 115-127.

Suter, M. B., Borini, F. M., Floriani, D. E., da Silva, D., & Polo, E. (2018). Country-of-origin image (COI) as a country-specific advantage (CSA): Scale development and validation of COI as a resource within the firm perspective. Journal of Business Research84, 46-58.

Insch, A., & Cuthbert, R. (2018). Why country of origin still matters in food retailing: Implications for promotion management research. Journal of Promotion Management24(3), 363-375.

Xu, E., & Lee, T. (2020). Communicative and globalizing impacts of food labels: An Australian study. Media International Australia175(1), 93-108.

Barnes, F., & McAloon, J. (2023). Crisis and continuity: The promotion of Made in New Zealand in the export and domestic markets. In National Brands and Global Markets (pp. 185-203). Routledge.

Darku, E. N. D., & Akpan, W. (2020). Selling culture: A buy local campaigns in the Ghanaian and South African textile and clothing industriesJournal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy14(4), 643-662.

How to calculate the cost of your campaign – what is the price of consumer’s attention?

Mindfulness for drivers project: Keep your mindingear4roadsafety