I offer a range of services with research projects, dissertations, and coursework assignments.
I can collect and analyse data, help you with statistics, show you how to review literature, or how to design a questionnaire, interview guide or how to do content analysis.
I cover business, management, marketing, human resources (HR), international marketing, international business, advertising.
PhD Research Proposal writing support – I offer support in writing PhD research proposals in areas of communication, marketing communication, consumer behaviour, green marketing, political economy, culture, identity. We advise on choosing a research topic, defining a gap, how to structure a research proposal, and how to choose the right PhD programme.
Journal Article Development support – we advise on all stages on journal article development and writing, from how to structure it to how to position and write up an article. We also advise on targeting the right journals.
Data Analysis support – I offer support (including tutoring and carrying out data analysis on a provided data set) with the following analytical approaches: descriptive statistics, time series, survival analysis, models of counts, ANOVA, chi-square, Structural Equation Modelling, Exploratory Factor Analysis, Confirmatory factor Analysis, Regression Analysis, experimental data analysis. I work with the following packages: SPSS, STATA, R, MPlus.
Dissertation Support/Research Projects support – I offer support with all stages of conducting research projects, at all levels (PhD, Masters, undergraduate). I specialise in questionnaire development, experiments, secondary data analysis, content analysis studies, interviews, focus groups, netnography.